Monday, June 22, 2009

Jamaican BBQ, Tubing the River, and Relaxation Afternoon

I won't have a three day weekend for just about eternity from now. I'm really happy I was able to enjoy the one I just had so much. Great timing for my friend's annual party. Usually it falls around Cinco time in May but it was held a little late this year. She decided to change it to Jamaica Beach Party. Which worked out great in the end. They made Jerk Chicken with grilled plantains, pineapple, and papya. We washed it all down with Dark and Stormies and Rum Punch. We spent the rest of the night playing Wii sports and Dance Dance Revolution. Unfortunately I missed the dancing while I was sitting outside smoking the traditional get together cigar. I feel like a wimp though because by midnight I was completely out of it. We did start the afternoon at 3 with some beers at a pub, but I'm only 26. I really shouldn't be falling out so early.

We woke up the next day and enjoyed some omelet breakfast. We left around noon to the Comal River to do what everyone in the Hill Country does on a hot summer weekend...Tubing!! By the way, don't use Felger's tubing...they suck. Stick with the larger ones like Rocking R or Corner Tubes. We're suppose to get picked up by these yahoos and ten minutes of waiting and no one shows up. Its only like half a mile down the road back but after a few beers and two hours in the sun I really don't like caryying my tube back. The sun was bright and the water was cool and it was damn near perfect conditions for a day on the river. We had lots of fun. They definitely need some freakin rain up there though because I hit my ass on a large rock in a more than usual shallow section.

My two year anniversary was on Friday. I had to work all day so we didn't really do anything. Since we had plans the rest of the weekend we decided we'll do something on Monday. So we made massage appointments for ourselves. I feel so much better now. I've been getting headaches steming from muscle tension in my back and it just would not go away. I hope this helped a bit. Then lucky us we went and picked up the doggies at the in-laws and they invited us to stay for dinner. Rib dinner for me tonight topped off with strawberry short cake desert. I love eating at my in-laws...also such good food.

The weekend coudln't have been better than how it turned out. Spend time with friends I don't always get to see. Eat a bunch of good home cooked food. Enjoy the summer heat the right way. Some day all my weekends will be like this one. I think it's a good goal to work towards.

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