Friday, January 15, 2010

I know I know I know

Okay, so anyone who might have been reading my posts probably stopped after a three month hiatus. Lack of energy...Lack of interesting stories...Lack of interest in keeping up with this thing? Take your pick and I probably thought to myself that's why I'm not doing it. That isn't right of me. This is suppose to help people keep in touch who don't live here and who I don't talk to on a regular basis. Honestly whats easier; have ten conversations about how your week went or write about your week and let everyone read it themselves and ask questions if they care enough too. Really its all about conversation management. So here we go....


I'm still employed so that means I haven't messed up bad enough for anyone to fire me yet. Also means I haven't been shot yet so all is well at work. Getting hammered by burglars and robbers and thieves of all sorts lately. I think the underworlds resolution was rob at least one person a week at gunpoint. Our burglar is a mysterious fellow who wears the same shoe every time he goes out...good thing Houston is wet during the winter or we wouldn't have shit. What would really blow my mind is if the prints were left intentionally to throw us off...oooohhhh interesting. To bad this isn't CSI and people don't actually do that stuff.


If you haven't watched Funny People you should. If you haven't watched Public Enemies you should...but don't expect the biggest blockbuster of all time. Obviously the holidays produced a vast assortment of movies to watch. If it was advertised on TV recently I probably got it for X-mas and I can't say I didn't enjoy every one of them. Saw Daybreakers and should have waiting for the DVD. I could write an entire post about Avatar but not right now. On the other side of my entertainment if you haven't been watching Heroes you are missing out some fine sci-fi entertainment. Honestly who doesn't want to be a hero and can't relate to at least one of the characters and their struggles. Really one of the more interesting concepts of good vs evil and the struggle of choosing what path to take; selfish or unselfish. Naturally looking forward to Southland and Fringe starting up again. I can't believe Leno replaced Southland but I hear he may get the axe so lets hope for some more quality programming. Fringe is one of my favorite shows up there with Heroes and Lost right now. I guess I finally got sick of the Law and Order CSI crap because I'm really enjoying the supernatural shows lately. Its the complete opposite of reality TV; that must be it.


If you can believe it I'm not in very good shape lately. Weighing in around 190 lbs for the first time in my entire life. I carry it sort of well but really 190 that's almost 200 lbs and I shouldn't be 200 lbs unless I quit my job and started body building. Motivation must be generally lacking in most areas of my life (blog, exercise, work productivity). I think it has to do with winter and shorter days. I hate the dark..the night..sun down at 5:30. I must have some plant in me because I really need the sun to thrive. Totally excited about my wife's last semester of Law School. YAAAYYYY!!!!! Two incomes will rock so much...I'm rich bitch. I've figured if she can make the minimum amount a lawyer could possibly make we'll still be in the positive even after her loan payments.

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE....I totally forgot I made my last car payment today!!! YAY!!! I own something!!

Glad to get that off my chest. Until next time; enjoy yourself.


Sara said...

wow, must be great not to make car payments anymore! every time a bill goes away, it's cause for celebration. I'll invite you to the party for paying off my school know, when we're almost 50. :)

Kevin Longtin said...

more like 75

brian said...

I should really check out Fringe I think. Totally with you though on the 'screw reality TV' team. Jersey Shore can suck it for making America dumber.