Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You can Arrest Search and Seize What?

Great class today. Its refreshing to have a lawyer speak to you about how easy it is to articulate arresting someone. In a sue happy society full of wimps and miscreants it is nice to know the Supreme Court still has our back. Its all about the words. Things like "reasonable" and "suspicious" and "arms reach" and "frisk". All great broad terms that make my job way easier than one would think. All the more reason why intelligent educated police officers are important. Guess I should become one of those.

Work was fun the past couple of weeks. Saw my first tazing. That went exactly how it was suppose to. No one was injured, no one went to the hospital, and the suspect acted more appropriately after it was done. Can't deny our tools are getting pretty sweet.

I don't know what to do about the mundane policing right now. I'm thinking I need to upset more people. Get in their face a little more, become more assertive, and tweak them just a bit. Not out of bounds or to someone who doesn't deserve it but sometimes I just feel I'm to nice and I don't need to be, I'm not the one breaking the law.

After my most recent class I think more people are going to jail. Hopefully I can talk my way into finding those drugs a lot easier than before. Maybe even catch a real burglar. I don't have to worry about covering my ass anymore because it's covered. The law protects me better than I thought and that's a good thing. Because lets be honest, we all hate our things getting stolen and most of us hate dopers making more dopers making more crime. Its getting out of hand where they don't respect authority at all.

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