Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Officer Longtin

Really can't stand a week that feels like it should be over and its only Wednesday. Who invented Wednesday? Who invented the 7 day week? Exactly how productive is anyone on their so called Friday? Those are all the questions I had to get off of my mind. Now I can enjoy the rest of my post.

I've worked three days as an officer now and let me tell you it's awesome. Heart pounding, slick talking, gun wielding, loads of fun!! There is nothing more exciting than entering a building hunting for suspects in a possible breaking and entering. Nothing is more satisfying than serving a federal warrant with FBI agents on a possible child porn suspect. Don't let anyone tell you different because making your first traffic stop is the most nerve racking thing ever. You pray that while approaching a vehicle the last 8 months of training kick in because you don't feel like you have a freakin clue what the hell your doing. But everything goes smooth, you get back to your car, you calm down, your heart slows and your body loosens, breathing becomes natural again, and you start all over. Policing is unlike any other job on this planet. My service in Iraq is comparable but not exactly the same. It had the same ups and downs physically and emotionally and the same type of excitement but an entirely different attitude. I'm going to enjoy this career a lot. A whole lot!!

Valentines weekend was a lot of fun. If anyone wants to know what their significant other really wants, I figured it out, at least a little this year; its all about effort. I got the usual teddy bear and box of chocolates. My wife loves bears so she really liked that. I added a little fun with a new Wii game. Monkey Ball is one of her favorite games. But what she liked the most was the homemade card. If I was at least a little poetic I would have written something original inside the card but I found one that I really liked and it expressed how I feel about my lovely wife. All that was left to do was add a little personal message and I think I did pretty good.

The rest of the weekend was a lot of fun. I think mom and dad had a good time. They may have found out more about my college years than they wanted to know but it was one hell of a dinner. Nothing like being the loudest and most fun table in the restaurant. Especially on Valentines day when everyone else is so dam serious and uptight. Really was a blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm just so happy to hear you so happy kev. i can't wait to hear more tales of a cop. oh and btw...the opinion of people i know here on you being a police officer now: "well it's no good to you if he lives in Texas." :)