Sunday, April 26, 2009


I know excuses are cheap and whining is for whimps but Day shift is taxing. Two weeks of waking at 4 o'clock really does a number on you. I shouldn't use that as an excuse as to why I haven't posted anything of late but when was the last time any of you got up that early to go to work? And honestly at 26 years old how could anyone expect me to get to sleep by 9 PM to get the recommended amount of sleep? All the good TV shows haven't ended by that time. So need less to say I stay up in a zombie like state until my body actually shuts down and my wife has to shake me awake to move to bed. No use in attempting to type anything out if you can hardly concentrate long enough to pay attention to your favorite shows.

After two weeks of crashes and break ins though I move back to evenings. Apparently I'm not the only one lacking in concentration or sleep though because I've never worked so many wrecks in a single day. We had about 10 in a six hour period. I worked 5 myself. No one on our side of town can drive without hitting each other. And it's even worse when they can't agree on what happened. I'm expecting quite a few phone calls from insurance company's this week after no one can own up to their mistakes. It's pretty pathetic when a 26 year old has to tell a 40 year old that they were in the wrong and they should be more responsible. The lack of maturity among the general public is rather frightening.

I have one exciting note for the week. The typical person gets up in the morning and goes to work in their office with a slow and mundane start. They get to their computer and check their emails and get a cup of coffee and prepare themselves for the business of the day. Maybe a meeting to start the morning off or a few phone calls to make that weren't done the day before. At least an hour or two of catching and preparation for the day ahead. In no other line of work will you start the morning by clearing a building with guns drawn on an alarm call at a local business. Talk about a great way to wake up!! Pull up to the place and see the front door smashed and guess what you get to do because no one else in the world would be dream of doing it; go in to check for suspects!! Being a cop is the best job in the world. I wish I could start every day off like that. Who the hell needs coffee if you could get that sort of adrenaline rush. I love my work.

Nothing else of note for the past couple of weeks. Looking forward to May and the beginning of summer blockbusters. I am that guy who will go and see all the hyped up movies. I'll actually enjoy most of them too because I really don't' require depth and meaning in my entertainment. Good old fashion cheesy action, explosions, and flashy graphics is all I really want sometimes. That's why Wolverine, Star Trek, and Terminator are going to claim one of my pay checks next month. I can't help but be drawn into their simplicity. Who can honestly resist Hugh Jackman without a shirt on or robots destroying man kind or futuristic space battles? Not this GUY!!

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